Hellooo :)

I’m Lingxi, prounce like Lynsee.

My passion lies in visual communication design, UI/UX design and photography.

I have always been drawn to creative fields and have honed my skills through various projects during my studies at the London Communication College, UAL. 

Currently, I study at Goldsmiths to expand my practice into different creative fields. I push the boundaries of traditional visual communication design and explore new ways of storytelling such as through speculative design&writing and game.

I hope that design can serve as a bridge for communication between different disciplines and collaborate with various fields. I am a designer aiming on striking a balance between sensibility and rationality, while respecting all forms of life and existence, and paying attention to the voices that are often overlooked. 


            ︎ lingxi.guan.zhang@gmail.com

            ︎ lynsee_lingxi
            ︎ lynsee_photography

©Lingxi Zhang